
  • Ida . Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Sukabumi


Disaster Management, Emergency Response


A disaster is an event or series of events that results in loss. One of the most vulnerable groups affected by natural disasters is children, who are in a school environment that is included in a vulnerable community if a disaster occurs. Disaster Preparedness School is a program that is expected to build school community preparedness for disasters. The aim of Disaster Preparedness School is carried out on the basis that the school community is considered very important to get attention in disaster risk reduction efforts. The large number of students, teachers and other staff has a considerable risk in the event of a disaster. The method used was educational research development and education to students by distributing modules and administering questionnaires regarding emergency response SOPs. Community service was carried out at Sirnaresmi Village Elementary School, Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency on January 8-10, 2022. The participants were 40 people with the specified age criteria, namely elementary school age with a questionnaire. The results of community service also showed that there was an increase in the implementation of disaster emergency response in schools. Most of the elementary schools in Sirnaresmi Village, Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency have not met the criteria for assessing disaster emergency response parameters. It is expected that the school can increase the value of disaster emergency response parameters.


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How to Cite

., I. (2024). SOCIALIZATION OF EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOPS IN DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN SCHOOLS. Jurnal Pengmas Kusuma Bangsa, 1(1), 38–43. Retrieved from