pre-school children, early detection, emotional behavior problemsAbstract
One of the most common problems in pre-school children is emotional problems. Emotional disturbance is a condition that indicates an individual who experiences an emotional change that can develop into a pathological state if it continues. Therefore, to prevent more severe mental emotional problems in preschool children, early detection of emotional behavioral deviations, autism and attention and hyperactivity disorders in children is needed, so that intervention actions can be taken immediately with counseling on mental emotional development in preschool children. This community service activity was carried out at the Cibeureum Hilir Health Center, Sukabumi City. The participants in this activity were mothers who had pre-school age children and pre-school age children with 40 participants each, through socialization and counseling activities. The results of community service showed that all participants understood and knew about early detection of development and mental emotional deviations in pre-school children. It is expected that local health workers can collaborate with cadres in providing counseling to mothers of pre-school children about early detection of mental emotional deviations in pre-school children as an effort to maintain the mental health of pre-school children.
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